Google PageSpeed and Ranking

google page speed


Increase Your Google PageSpeed

It’s no secret that mobile usage has increased tremendously in the last couple of years. And, as a result, Google is not only on a mission to make the web more secure… but also FASTER. Especially for mobile users.

Since speed is a big factor in the user’s experience, Google strives to serve the fastest pages in response to a search query. As of July 9, 2018; the Speed Update is rolling out as a mobile ranking factor for all web pages. Your site’s speed is now one of the ranking signals used in Google’s algorithm to rank your pages.

This means the SPEED of your mobile experience in particular.

Statistics show that slow pages have higher bounce rates, less time spent on the page and lower conversion rates. A 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.

PageSpeed Insights analyzes the content of a web page, then generates suggestions to make that page faster. It scores your page from 0 to 100 with faster pages scoring higher.Test your web speed with Google’s PageSpeed Insights.

Getting a score of 100 is fairly difficult, but, getting a near perfect score isn’t that bad. You may have to sacrifice too many bells & whistles for that, but, you should strive to get as high as possible. Ideally, you want your page to load in under 3 seconds. Studies have shown that pages loading under 3 seconds are performing much better than those that take longer.

If your website is using WordPress (or another heavy content management system) – it can be complicated to make progress. There are many variables to tweak, from the content on the page to your settings, theme construction, plugins and even server settings. Need a WordPress Speed Up service? Contact us, we’ll get your website loading blazing FAST.

We’d love to discuss your next project!



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